I invite you to 2 new wokeshops that will happen in February: “4-step Sassani formula for fulfilling life” and “Abracadabra: I create as I speak“.

Here is a verbal invitation:

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The Sassani extraterrestrials are one of the species who have been helping us to heal and raise our vibration and take back our power, so we can become a better match for the higher dimensional beings and eventually meet them in person.

They have been sharing with us the following 4-step formula:

  1. Act upon your highest excitement and passion each and every moment
  2. to the best ability you have till you can take it no further
  3. with absolutely zero assumption or insistence on what the outcome of the situation should be
  4. and no matter what manifests, always remain in the positive state.

They keep emphasizing that this is enough for us to live a fulfilling life aligned with our true self and in which synchronicities completely govern your experience in a very positive and often even quite magical way πŸ™‚
However, they also emphasize, that this “instruction manual” has to be to understood and applied precisely, otherwise it won’t work as well as it could. People typically struggle especially with steps number 3 and 4 and tend to skip them because they don’t know how to do that and then they tend to say that the formula doesn’t work for them.

Yet my experience is, that it works absolutely beautifully and I will show to you that many of us have been actually utilizing this formula without realizing it, but in a negative way – which then of course generates negative synchronicities in our reality instead of the positive ones.
So the question is not whether it works (it does!) – but how to use it consciously to your advantage.

In this session, we will dive deeper into all 4 points, I will share my own experience with it wherever I find appropriate, give you some tools that I have proven for myself to work well for me and we will have a space for open discussion and questions.

Timing-wise, it will be about 1 hour of deeper-dive into the formula itself and 1 hour of Q&A, totalling in about 2 hours.

If you want to give yourself yet another tool how to overcome just about anything in a very powerful way, I highly recommend to give the Sassani formula a chance. And then maybe you will create a milestone in your life “Before and After I started following the 4-step formula”. ❀️

Price: 44 GBP
Online tickets

Did you know that “Abracadabra” means “I create as I speak”?
Did you ever hear: “In the beginning there was a word”?
Or another one: “In the beginning, god SAID …”.

“Change your language, change your life” could be another title for this session. Yet I chose Abracadabra because it illustrates better, how powerful this topic actually is.

When I work with people, helping them discover the subconscious patterns and beliefs that they utilize to drive their lives, I always recommend to start paying close attention to the words they choose in their daily communication, whether it is talking to others, or just to themselves. And if you ask those I have worked with how often I stop them when they automatically say something disempowering, they will confirm how “annoying” I can be – because it happens A LOT! πŸ˜†

It may feel hard to discover the self-sabotaging beliefs by ourselves when we try to identify them directly.
But luckily for us, beliefs turn into emotions which turn into thoughts which turn into words and actions which then become habits which tend to be pretty obvious πŸ™‚
So if you notice which words you tend to use (typically without considering them important enough), you can massively increase your chances of identifying the true root cause of your issues very very quickly. And as a bonus – once you know how, you can do this completely on your own and save a lot of time and money on therapists who would need to somehow access your subconscious for you. πŸ™‚

So in this session, I will show you how what you say is literally a window to your subconscious.
We will discuss common self-sabotaging statements that you probably never thought might be harmful for yourself.
We will also brainstorm how to express the same ideas in a more positive way.
We will also discuss some of the techniques how to catch yourself using the phrases that you don’t wish to use, really πŸ™‚

Becoming conscious of what we say is based on my experience an essential step towards living more conscious and empowered life in general. I highly recommend to anybody to review what we had taken for granted and change your life forever. πŸ’™

I am looking forward to seeing you in the wokeshop!
Michal πŸ™‚

Price: 36 GBP
Online tickets

I am looking forward to our exciting time together πŸ™‚ See you there!

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