Hello dear friends πŸ™‚
I am very grateful for every single inspired person who is willing to work on themselves and help us with co-creating a beautiful joyful and loving world from inside-out. I believe that when my work impacts people to act in a healthier and more responsible way, it is already a huge reward for me! So thank you for that and thank you for sharing my content, so I can help even more people.
However, if my work resonates with you, if you would like to support me even more so I can continue inspiring more people for free or minimal costs, here’s a list of some options you can choose to do so. No matter which option works for you, I am infinitely grateful for any help and acts of generosity.
​Thank you so much for your support! πŸ’™
​My unconditional love and blessings to all of you,
​Michal πŸ™

Options that work for me

  1. PayPal donation: PayPal.Me/GoldenBlueSpiral
  2. You can become my Patron and gain access to some monthly private Patron-only events: patreon.com/GoldenBlueSpiral
  3. Crypto currency donation – until I figure out how to automate this option directly on my website, please contact me, if you would like to choose this option.
  4. Because I live and support multi-dimensional abundance which is not limited to money as the only way of exchange of energy, I am also open to discussing how we could exchange our services and products taking money completely out of the equation πŸ™‚ If this option appeals to you and you have some ideas how to co-create, feel free to contact me.

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