
This tutorial is meant only for those who have purchased the Interstellar Alliance Social Experiment Step Four transmission and chose to participate in the social experiment. If you don’t meet these requirements, please purchase the transmission first so you know what effort you are contributing to, or leave this page.

The social experiment is meant only for those who do understand what they are getting themselves involved in.

Your integrity is highly appreciated.

What you need

  • Inkscape (free open source vector graphics software)
  • Template files
    • You will need a login and password to download these files. See the section below for details how to construct the right credentials. When you construct the right login and password, enter them into the authentication inputs upon clicking this link. The files should be downloaded after that.

Login and password to download the template files

Login: InterstellarAllianceMember


  1. Open the handout of the Interstellar Alliance Social Experiment Step Four transmission.
    • The link to download the Handout document is in the last video in this transmission
  2. Note down the following 4 words with the exact casing as in the document:
    • First word of the 1st paragraph (not the heading)
    • 14th word of the 2nd paragraph
    • 4th word of the 3rd paragraph
    • 6th word of the 4th paragraph
  3. Join these 4 words using period. The result will be your password.

For example, if the words were “selling”, “Master”, “144000” and “jellyfish”, the password would be selling.Master.144000.jellyfish


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